Editorial Board

The following scholars and specialists helped select archival material for inclusion in Global Commodities, provided written content or reviewed particular areas of the resource:


Robert C. Allen, Department of Economics, University of Oxford

David Bello, Director of East Asian Studies, Washington & Lee University

Jerry Bentley, Department of History, University of Hawaii

Maxine Berg, Department of History, University of Warwick

Gary Campbell, School of Business & Economics, Michigan Technological Institute

Ann Carlos, Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder

Miguel Centeno, Department of Sociology & International Affairs, Princeton University

Piya Chatterjee, Department of Women & Gender Studies, Scripps College, Claremont CA

Sing C. Chew, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ, Germany

Rosie Dias, History of Art, University of Warwick

Keith Fryer, Managing Director, T Brewer & Co., Timber Merchants

Anne Gerritsen, Department of History, University of Warwick

Frank D. Lewis, Department of History, Queens University

Dawn Littler, Curator of Archives, Merseyside Maritime Museum

Ina McCabe, Department of History, Tufts University

Francine Mckenzie, Department of History, University of Western Ontario

Sarah Moss, Department of English, University of Exeter

James Nicholls, Reader in Media and Cultural Studies, Bath Spa University

Robert Opie, Founder, Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising, London

Edward Roger Owen, Director, Harvard Center for Middle East Studies

Kenneth Pomeranz, Department of History, University of California at Irvine

Giorgio Riello, Department of History, University of Warwick

Steven C. Topik, Department of History, University of California at Irvine

Richard Unger, Department of History, University of British Columbia

Carl Van Ness, Curator of Archives & Manuscripts, University of Florida