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Title Wharfinger's Account Book. Boston, Massachusetts, 1804-1805
Reference Account Books (unidentified), volume 10, folio vols. "A"
Collection Account Books (Unidentified) Collection, 1703-1836
Library American Antiquarian Society
Date 1804-1805
Description Includes monies owed to Wharfinger for unloading at wharfage and storing certain items including alcohol, rice, tobacco, coffee and bales of cotton. Includes ship names, commodities unloaded and dates.
Document Type Manuscript, Mercantile Papers
Primary Commodity Miscellaneous
Sub-commodity Wine and Spirits, Timber, Cotton, Wheat, Tobacco, Coffee, Oil, Sugar, Spices, Tea, Chocolate
Theme Trade and Commerce
Keywords rice, alcohol, rum, beer, brandy, gin, flour, meat, beef, pork, salt, timber, mahogany, steel, iron, spices, ginger, fish, salmon, herring, vinegar, butter, soap, hemp, candles, costs and prices, consumer, consumption, financial accounts, market, merchant, profit, retail
Region North America
Places USA, Massachusetts, Boston
Additional Information This collection of twenty-three unidentified account books spans the period 1703 to 1836 and represents an interesting variety of business concerns in several New England towns. Many volumes provide detailed records of the prevailing styles in fabrics, clothing, and furs. There are references to popular types of wood, alcohol, imported foods and numerous other commodities including tobacco, coffee, tea, sugar, spices and oil, many listed alongside prices within bills, inventories and receipts. The Massachusetts towns represented include Worcester, Boston, Cambridge, Danvers, Marblehead and Nantucket Island. There is also an account book for Rutland County, Vermont.
Copyright American Antiquarian Society